Terminus Devlog 18 - Milestone 2 Completed
Trevor Redfern
Trevor Redfern
3 min read

Items Completed

Milestone 2 Completed!

March 10 - June 24
Total Commits:       159
Issues Closed:       40
Files Update:        424
LOC Added:           9411
LOC Deleted:         4119

Hotkeys and Quick Action UI

The newest improvement was to add hotkeys that are dynamic along with UI buttons that update with the new items.

-- from game/rules/player/actions.lua
function Actions.setHotKey(key, name, image, handler)
  return {
    type = Actions.types.SET_HOT_KEY,
    payload = {
      hotkey = key,
      name = name,
      image = image,
      handler = handler

-- from game/rules/player/reducer.lua
  [types.SET_HOT_KEY] = function(state, action)
    state.hotkeys = state.hotkeys or {}
    state.hotkeys[action.payload.hotkey] = {
      name = action.payload.name,
      image = action.payload.image,
      handler = action.payload.handler
    return state

Hotkeys are managed by the player slice.

Adding hotkeys is an action dispatched to the player slice. No characters beside the player have hotkeys so this makes sense. The hotkey takes information on the name, image, and handler for the item/action in the hotkey. This came together quite quickly.

-- Entire game/ui/main_screen/quick_slots.lua
local Components = require "moonpie.ui.components"
local Player = require "game.rules.player"
local connect = require "moonpie.redux.connect"
local tables = require "moonpie.tables"
local SpriteImage = require "game.ui.widgets.sprite_image"

local Slot = Components("quick_slots_slot", function(props)
  return {
    id = "hotkey_" .. props.hotkey,
    SpriteImage { id = "HotKeyImage", sprite = props.action.image },
    Components.text { text = props.hotkey, style = "align-bottom align-right" },
    click = props.action.handler,

local QuickSlots = Components("quick_slots", function(props)
  local hotkeys = props.hotkeys or {}
  return {
    hotkeys = hotkeys,
    render = function(self)
      return tables.map(self.hotkeys, function(item)
        return Slot { action = item.value, hotkey = item.key }

return connect(QuickSlots, function(state)
  local hotkeys = Player.selectors.getHotKeys(state) or {}
  local sortedKeys = tables.sortBy(hotkeys, function(k) return k end)
  return {
    hotkeys = sortedKeys

This is the entire UI file for rendering out the quick slots/hotkeys. As items are updated, the component will refresh and re-render with the new widgets. Items are used and removed, the hotkeys are cleared out and the UI updates. Very simple and very dynamic.

Potential improvement would be to allow using icons provided from moonpie.

Refactor Characters

Characters have been cleaned up some in how they are managed. Mostly on the file management side of things. More refactoring is likely to occur as the character creation piece is built out. But I kept characters outside of the entities are of the world ruleset. I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but it helps sort these into their own domain. So, it’s kind of handy for that. Just like leaving map entities tied to the map directly as opposed to trying to generalize everything.

Refactor Graphics / Sprites

Sprite and graphics went through a simple clean up that reduced code considerably and also made it easier to save/load data, swap out graphics if new tilesets/images become a thing. The main change was to make a wrapper that pulls the image when it wants to draw directly from a store as opposed to referencing image data directly via a pointer/reference.

Milestone 3: Characters and Bestiary

The characters and bestiary milestone will focus on bring the game world more to life with more choices for character creation to make that part feel more complete. It will also build out the possible ecosystem of creatures in the world to help give different strategies, levels of risk, and just new interactions.

The other goal for this milestone is to invest more in the planning upfront to better plan what I expect the milestone to focus on so at the end I can clearly demonstrate what has been added.

Statistic Report

Tag: devlog-18
Files Update:        65
LOC Added:           982
LOC Deleted:         873
Code Coverage:       97%

Language                 Files     Lines   Blanks  Comments     Code Complexity
Lua                        619     29014     3995      2847    22172       1434
Markdown                    22      1236      323         0      913          0
ReStructuredText            13       591      182         0      409          0
Plain Text                   5       658      108         0      550          0
CSV                          4      1175        0         0     1175          0
JSON                         3       103        0         0      103          0
License                      2        42        8         0       34          0
YAML                         2        66       14         0       52          0
Batch                        1        35        8         1       26          5
Makefile                     1        20        4         7        9          0
Python                       1        56       15        29       12          0
gitignore                    1        51       10         9       32          0
Total                      674     33047     4667      2893    25487       1439

All the changes
